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Alex's Freedom Fortress
This site is dedicated to Freedom Force and its sequel, Freedom Force
vs The 3rd Reich, the incredible 3D tactical role-playing superhero games
for your Windows PC or Mac developed by Irrational Games.
Here you will
find all sorts of tools and mods I've created to help you customize your FF
games. I also have a large collection of skins and meshes contributed by fellow
fans. And yes, plenty of information on how to get it all to work.
For Freedom !!!
Buy The Games!
On GOG: Freedom Force
Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich
On STEAM: Freedom Force
Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich
[2022-Jun-4] Twenty Years baby!
As I started posting this update, I realized my site is now in its 20th year!
Never would have predicted that when I posted a few hero files way back then.
Thanks to the artists and fans who still drop by.
This update has some skins from my archives (my slowly-getting-organized hard
drive) by Saracen, including the complete classic Royal Flush gang!

But wait! There's more ... I finally get around to posting some of my own
skins and mesh skopes. I don't consider myself an artist but I did pick up some
Photoshop and skoping skills over the years. Some of these have been on my hard
drive for over a decade, just never got around to releasing them. I do have some
others I need to clean up a bit, so there will be more eventually. For now, I'm
starting with skins for Amazing Grace, Desaad, Etrigan (updated for Ink's mesh),
and a Psycho-Pirate 2pack. For meshes, I have a classic Aquaman skope and a Kyle
Rayner skope (with C6 skins) .

[2021-Dec-7] From and for DaGlob ...
As many in the Freedom Force community know, we sadly lost resident Fortress artist
and all-around wonderful guy DaGlob earlier this year. DG was a source of not
only great content for the FF games as you can see on this very site, but also a
font of comics
knowledge and genuine good will. He always went out of his way to help others,
including me. Whether it was tracking down that elusive skin or mesh or just answering questions
about the game. I still remember asking him to be a resident artist. He
was surprised that I was interested as he tended to focus on obscure characters
from yesteryear rather than those from the big 2 comics publishers. I explained
that's why I loved his stuff. His enthusiasm and knowledge just leaped out at
I still have items of his to post and will continue to add to his gallery
here. I managed to find an FF-version of
his Spider-Girl Arana, so I've updated that file so it works for both games.
I've also added Claude Raines as the Phantom of the Opera, Spider-Girl, 2
versions of the Werwolf of London, TM Man-Bot X, Green Goblynne, Granny
Goodness (thanks for making a FFv3r version, Randomdays), Airboy, Cobra Commander, an armed Sailor, and Tarzan with abs. Thanks for
everything, DG.

[2021-Nov-28] Meshes galore by Interceptor!
As part of my ongoing quest to organize my Freedom Force files, I'm posting a bunch of
15 meshes/skins by resident artist - Interceptor. All of these should work in FF
or FFv3R. I have been going through all existing meshes on my site to make sure
they work for both games, including conversions when needed.

[2021-Nov-18] Facelift for the Fortress!
Just a quick note - have updated the look of the site. It's been the same for
years now so I thought I'd make a change. Nothing radical, just color, fonts,
and the layout of the toolbar. May make other changes in the future, but this
will do for now. Hoping to have some more content soon.
[2021-May-12] New Classic Mod Fix
First post of 2021. With the everything going on in the world the last few
months, haven't played around with FF lately, but I do have some updates in the
A quick one today - a new update of the Freedom Force Classic Mod
(now at version 8). Even though I'd added missing NIFs for the Prehistoric Panic
mission in v7, a lack of mesh bounding boxes meant it as impossible to complete
the mission. Thanks to NyDedes for sending me a fixed NIF file. I've also
patched up problems in Missions 10, 14, and 16. I am aware of an issue in
Mission 19 (that will require a fixed NIF file - I just have to make the time to
fix it). There's also a minor issue in Level 1 if you're doing the tutorial.
Other than that, FF Classic should be playable up to 19, so we're almost 100%.
Get it on the Mods page!